
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

You Know How?

You know how there's that whole part in Beauty and the Beast? Where Beauty is in the library (at the beginning of the movie) on the ladder, and she rolls down the wall of shelves right before she's about to break into song?


I decided that I want a library my kitchen.


I'm a little ahead of myself yet again, but I like to have an idea in my head of what I want! We have almost got everything cleared out enough at our house to start doing the electrical and plumbing. Yay!

Friday, August 26, 2011

If I Were Cinderella...

If I were Cinderella, I would have made my attic look like this:

attic bedroom

...but she may not have had that much room. Actually, I can't even remember if Cinderella lived in the attic. Whatever.

This is a post about me dreaming again.

We have enough space in the attic (once we have walls again) to make a bedroom or a playroom. It just depends on what we want. The attic already has one of those pull down ladders, but I think it would be super neat to have a spiral stair case instead.

[caption id="attachment_331" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="This goes to a loft."]spiral staircase[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_332" align="aligncenter" width="199" caption="Something like this, but a nicer color."]Spiral staircase[/caption]

Then the attic could open up to a room:

[caption id="attachment_333" align="aligncenter" width="285" caption="google images"]attic bedroom[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_334" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="google images"]attic bedroom[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_335" align="aligncenter" width="215" caption="google images"]attic bedroom[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_336" align="aligncenter" width="234" caption="google images"]attic bedroom[/caption]

They are all just so darling!

Then this is just stellar:

[caption id="attachment_337" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Hidden"]hidden playroom[/caption]

If you go to this site you can see the hidden playroom. So neat!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Cereal in My Yogurt

I love Special K cereal. I mix it up in my vanilla yogurt with some frozen raspberries and it is divine! Anyway, the other day My Honeypie walked into the kitchen and all of a sudden yelled, "Naked lady!" I was super confused because I was fully dressed. Then he pointed at my cereal box. The lady on the back is in a red bikini, so I fixed it:

[caption id="attachment_315" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Special K"][/caption]


I know you can still kinda see through the black, but from far away it's not! Now My Honeypie doesn't have to shield his eyes every time he goes to the kitchen. Holla!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Oh My What?

Who knew that part of I-29 was washed away? We sure didn't! but it made our drive to Utah a little more interesting...if you like two hour detours. There has been crazy flooding in the upper and lower parts of Missouri, missing where we live which is great. We've all seen the news with some pictures of the flooding, but we got to see some of it up close before the detour.

[caption id="attachment_306" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="That's totally a barn in the middle of a bunch of water."][/caption]


[caption id="attachment_300" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="All blocked off"][/caption]

Not part of the flooding, but totally interesting:

[caption id="attachment_307" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Yup. The tree is inside the silo."][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_308" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="How My Honeypie feels about 2-hour detours"][/caption]

While we were in Utah we went to Deseret Industries (Utah's version of Goodwill) and I got some sweet awesome chandelier frames:

[caption id="attachment_309" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="I want to put pearls on this one..."][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_312" align="aligncenter" width="190" caption="Similar to this!"]sally jean chandelier[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_310" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="...he's wearing my anatomy goggles... :)"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_311" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="So cute!"][/caption]

The chandeliers are for my kitchen and hallway...when we actually have walls again :)








Shower Time!

Walk in showers are bomb...but I like big, open, walk-in showers. The ones with the little doors make me feel claustrophobic. Like this one here:

[caption id="attachment_319" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption=""][/caption]

It's gorgeous for sure, but just so little! I much prefer something like this:

[caption id="attachment_320" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption=" Still small, but so open!"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_321" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption=""][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_322" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption=" I love, love, LOVE the skylight."][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_324" align="aligncenter" width="217" caption=" Love the shower head...but that much tiny tile freaks me out."][/caption]

Monday, August 8, 2011

Finally Finished!

Not the whole house. Just the roof, but it's DONE!

So good.

If you haven't been following along read here, here, here, and here. Oh and possibly here.

What's in a Name?

People around here name their property like they name their children...but I think I kind of like it.

Here are some we've seen/heard of:

My mother-in-law named her property "Shady Acres". Now, I think we're talking about the kind of shady you get from trees and not the kind of shady you use to describe the guy walking down the street with his hand reaching into his trench coat.

My mom named my family's property "Stonegate". It has, you guessed it, a stone gate.

[caption id="attachment_283" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Stonegate. Say hello to the back half of Hershey."][/caption]

There is this HUGE sign on the way to town from our property called "Kingbird Acres". I'm thinking it must be their last name.

I find this just hilarious:

[caption id="attachment_284" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="El Rancho Bankruptus"][/caption]

Here are some of the suggested names from various persons:

  • Some Man's Trash...since this the name of my blog...and now that I think about it, there is trash everywhere in the yard.

  • Regenbogen (Rainbow) Ranch. Sadly, as my dad said, only in California could 5 acres=a ranch.

  • Galbraith Greens. Alliteration is great (oh yeah, I totally did that), but there are so many Galbraith families out here I think people would get confused!

Here are a few I came up with...mostly using the same words. I'm super creative:

  • Mariposa (butterfly) Skies

  • Mariposa Glen

  • Mariposa Meadows (my little sister actually came up with this one)

Basically, there are butterflies everywhere at our new place. I think they like our trees. Also, my gramma used to call me "butterfly". What do you think?

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Victorian Cottage in New York

My mom sent me this link awhile ago. Every so often I like to go back and look at it. This woman named Sandra Foster transformed this hunting cabin on her property into a beautiful little getaway. Here are a couple of pics:

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="480" caption="Before"][/caption]

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="480" caption="After"][/caption]


Make sure you go to the link to see all of the pictures in the slideshow! Love it.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


So remember how I got this awesome rocking chair for free from my wonderful sister-in law?

[caption id="attachment_201" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Notice the hole in the seat. Her husband's bony fanny broke it. Twice."][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_202" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="priming"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_203" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="primed!"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_204" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="painting"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_205" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="painted!"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_266" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Done!"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_267" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Colors!"][/caption]

To fix the seat I just measured the existing seat and cut out a piece of plywood (leftovers from our roof) and nailed it on. Instant seat!

Things I would do differently:

  • Buy a better paint brush. It's so annoying when the little brush hairs come out all over your chair. Ew.

  • Lightly sand the rocking chair before painting, just to have a smoother surface. Usually, I sand before I paint, but I have come to *loathe* sanding. I thought the wood was in pretty good shape so I skipped it this time. Although it worked out okay, I think it would have been prettier sanded. Sigh. This means I have to go back to sanding.

  • If you have something to fix--like the seat--fix the seat first and then paint. Ugh. I just can't help myself. I love paint!!!

  • Buy a really big cushion for the seat. Just because the seat is 17 inches across it doesn't mean an 18 inch pillow is the best choice. Even if it is the cheapest and 50% off.  Boo!

Seeing as this is my first major attempt at making a piece of furniture prettier I'm pleased. Plus, I learned a lot! Yay! That means I hopefully won't ruin these:

I got four of these bad boys for a whopping two (yes, 2) dollars at a moving sale! Fifty cents each!! I drove by in the morning and they wanted $12.75 for each which isn't bad considering what a brand new bar stool costs, but I didn't have any cash on me. I went back later that afternoon to see if they were still there and they were...and so much cheaper!
