I figured out what happened to my camera: I took it outside to take a picture of this stool I'm *attempting* to strip, set it down...and left it out there. For two days. and two nights. Both of those nights? Yeah, it rained--like Tornado Watch rained. Soooo....I stuck it in some rice in an attempt to revive it, but I think it's time I officially pronounce it dead. So. My beloved camera of five years, has kicked the can. Sigh.
The great thing is that my darling has a "better" camera than mine "anyway". So we got to take some pictures of the demolition yesterday. We knocked out the kitchen walls (only 9ish more rooms to go!) and took a picture of our sweet work attire...but for some reason I can't get his SD card to work on my computer? So that's lame.
I don't want to leave you picture-less though, so I'll just share what I started working on yesterday while I was waiting for My Honeypie to come home. Yes, that's the husband's official name in my phone. Anyway, I have these clothes that I don't fit/wear anymore and I didn't want to give them away so I decided to make Baby a quilt! Out of some of my old clothes, yes.
[caption id="attachment_33" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="old skirt that is just too short. yes there is such a thing as too short."]

[caption id="attachment_34" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Old flannel pjs from a thrift store"]

[caption id="attachment_35" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="all of the other squares are from remnants at the store"]

[caption id="attachment_37" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="the owl"]

That's what's up. Hopefully I'll figure out how to get those pictures on my computer. Loves!
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