Monday, December 19, 2011
My Honeypie Keeps Us All Safe.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Best. Ever.

Put together outfits! Online! I heart clothes and design!
Friday, December 9, 2011
Winter Makes Me...
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
And Then I Touched It.
Our house on a prettier day!
Rwaaaar! It's a cow skull.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Things are better than they seem,
For while I may be lacking faith,
I’m very blessed indeed.
How fortunate I am,
That I have all the little things
Other people lack.
Eyes that can see,
A body that moves,
A voice that can sing.
A heart full of peace,
A soul that is free to
Love as it’s pleased.
Where we can run and play.
An ever transforming masterpiece
As the seasons change.
For everything You’ve done.
For giving us the greatest gift;
For giving us Your Son.
For your generosity,
So I’ll be thankful every day
For all the little things.
*not necessarily in order of importance*
for every day of November:
- My Honeypie and BBFE (best friend for eternity).
- My baby (still in the making).
- My families.
- My job.
- My Honeypie's job.
- Food.
- Cooking skills.
- The gospel
- Smiles.
- Hugs. On occasion. You know how it is.
- This apple that I'm eating right now.
- Talents.
- Freedom.
- People who fight for our freedom.
- Kind words.
- Thoughtfulness.
- Oh, freak, how about having a place to live?
- Our house.
- Temples.
- The atonement.
- The milky way! Yes, the candy bar too.
- Guns. Yeah, I'm thankful for those.
- Technology.
- Animals. Because they are nice to look at. and because they taste good. (TURKEY!)
- Modern day revelation.
- Good mental health.
- Common sense.
- Seasons. and seasoning.
- My bed. Duh.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Piano Preview!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
I Found It!
I took this picture with y phone on our trip to Utah. Looking through my photos on my phone the other day I remember why I took it--Where the Sidewalk Ends.
Most favorite poem by Shel Silverstein:
The Unicorn
from the book "Where the Sidewalk Ends" (1974)
A long time ago, when the earth was green
and there was more kinds of animals than you've ever seen,
and they run around free while the world was bein' born,
and the lovliest of all was the Unicorn.
There was green alligators and long-neck geese.
There was humpy bumpy camels and chimpanzees.
There was catsandratsandelephants, but sure as you're born
the lovliest of all was the Unicorn.
But the Lord seen some sinnin', and it caused him pain.
He says, "Stand back, I'm gonna make it rain."
He says, "Hey Brother Noah, I'll tell ya whatcha do.
Go and build me a floatin' zoo.
And you take two alligators and a couple of geese,
two humpy bumpy camels and two chimpanzees.
Take two catsandratsandelephants, but sure as you're born,
Noah, don't you forget my Unicorn."
Now Noah was there, he answered the callin'
and he finished up the ark just as the rain was fallin'.
He marched in the animals two by two,
and he called out as they went through,
"Hey Lord, I got your two alligators and your couple of geese,
your humpy bumpy camels and your chimpanzees.
Got your catsandratsandelephants - but Lord, I'm so forlorn
'cause I just don't see no Unicorn."
Ol' Noah looked out through the drivin' rain
but the Unicorns were hidin', playin' silly games.
They were kickin' and splashin' in the misty morn,
oh them silly Unicorn.
The the goat started goatin', and the snake started snakin',
the elephant started elephantin', and the boat started shaking'.
The mouse started squeakin', and the lion started roarin',
and everyone's abourd but the Unicorn.
I mean the green alligators and the long-neck geese,
the humpy bumpy camels and the chimpanzees.
Noah cried, "Close the door 'cause the rain is pourin' -
and we just can't wait for them Unicorn."
Then the ark started movin', and it drifted with the tide,
and the Unicorns looked up from the rock and cried.
And the water come up and sort of floated them away -
that's why you've never seen a Unicorn to this day.
You'll see a lot of alligators and a whole mess of geese.
You'll see humpy bumpy camels and lots of chimpanzees.
You'll see catsandratsandelephants, but sure as you're born
you're never gonna see no Unicorn.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Love and Prophecy Pancakes
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
To the Window!

Friday, October 28, 2011
Can you feel my excitement?!
We got our windows yesterday!
This is how My Honeypie feels about that:
[caption id="attachment_649" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="a-DORABLE."]

and apparently, this is how I felt about it:
[caption id="attachment_651" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="shrug? I think not! and yes, that is my pregnant belly. Say hello to BaybayCae :)"]

Here they are; 26 new, beautiful, double-pane, double-hung windows!
During our free quote the salesman actually stood on the window pane and lightly bounced on it...and it didn't break! So cool.
I'm obviously still so excited. This is going to weatherproof our house that much more! and make it look that much better. Yay!
[caption id="attachment_650" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Here he goes carrying the biggest window by himself."]

If any of you are looking to get windows, I highly recommend Window World (Home of the Original $189 Replacement Window!). The above window cost the same as all of the other windows. How rad is that? It's so huge!
[caption id="attachment_648" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Sorry for the darkness, I left my real camera at home. Yay for the iPhone!"]

We have two of the so huge windows in our house. What's even more great about the new windows is they open more than the original ones!
[caption id="attachment_647" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="This is how far the original ones open."]

I can't wait until they are installed! It was $2,000 dollars less to install them "ourselves"--I'll just be watching mostly :)
In the midst of waiting for our windows My Honeypie has been working on the drainage for our plumbing. We got a lot of help from his brother, Mark, which is so appreciated! I have pictures, just not today.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Picky and Picnik
On a different note, I forced my little sisters to do a photo shoot with me. I can take decent pictures of "stuff", but I need much more practice with people. The pictures are all edited differently because I'm playing around with this photo editing site called Picnik. It's pretty much a super simple, way cheaper version of Photoshop. I really like it because when it comes to Photoshop I'm completely challenged. Plus, it's free! *or you can pay to upgrade. whatev.
[caption id="attachment_633" align="aligncenter" width="236" caption="Sneak attack picture!"]

I know that these are far from perfect (like the above picture--totally a weed in the middle of her face!)...but practice makes perfect, right?
Anyway, you can also do sweet stuff like this on Picnik too:

I tried doing that on Photoshop and it was a total bust. I love these little art thingys! I find quotes that I really like that have already been made into these little subway art pieces, but they aren't exactly what I this:
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="275" caption="Super cute, but not what I'm looking for you know?"]

But now I can make it exactly how I want! Like so:
[caption id="attachment_638" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="This is totally going on the wall in our entry way once our house is done."]

Family Values sign by Betty Crocker Wannabe
and I'm all like, "Cute!" but it doesn't have everything I want. I told you, I'm picky. With Picnik I made this:
It's just how my picky self wants it! Yay for Picnik!